Local Treasurer Information

Instructions for loading your Summer/Village Tax Info
1. Create a new database
a. File, New Database
2. Name the database
a. Example: TAXES2019
3. Open the new database
4. Make sure you are in the correct season (summer or village)
5. Restore the information
a. File, Restore database
b. Restore a Tax Administration Database
c. You will receive a message that says “This process will overwrite all data."
Make sure your new database is listed and hit Yes.
d. Restore from: File on hard disk or zip disk. Hit the browse button and select
the file on the media you received from the county (flash drive or CD-ROM)
e. Hit OK. The data will be restored
f. You will receive a message that says the operation was successful.
6. Double-check your interest & penalty settings and dates
a. Taxes Setup, Interest and Penalty Setup
7. Run recaps and make sure you balance with the recaps at the end of the roll.
a. Click Reports, Rolls
i. Category: Rolls
ii. Name: Huron County Tax Roll
iii. Population: All Records
iv. Spec. Pop.: AdValorem + Special Acts
b. Click Report Options
i. Tax Roll Type: Original Roll – No Adjustments Included
ii. Billing Types: Current Billing Type
iii. Property Types: Real & Personal Property
iv. Check box on Include Interest Calculations for Summer
v. Check box on Totals Only
vi. Hit Close
c. Click Run Report
d. The report will be displayed. Compare it with the Ad-Valorem + Special Acts
Recap Sheet at the end of your roll.
Instructions for working with your Tax Bill PDF Files
1. Townships printing their own tax bills
a. All summer tax files will be on the media you requested (Flash drive or
b. You will have 3 files on your media
i. 32xx Township Taxbills_Alpha.pdf – Tax Bills PDF in Owner Name Order
ii. 32xx Township Taxbills_Parcel.pdf – Tax Bills PDF in Parcel Number
iii. TAX32xx-1906112019.zip – 2019 Summer Tax Database Backup
c. Open the PDF file that you would like to print and the tax bills will
be displayed on the screen. You can hit file, then print to send the tax
bills to your printer.
2. Township having KCI print & mail tax bills
a. All summer tax files will be on the media you requested (Flash drive
or CD-ROM)
b. You will have 2 files on your media
i. 32xx KCI Taxbills.pdf – A copy of the tax bills that was sent to KCI
ii. TAXS32xx-1906112019.zip – 2019 Summer Tax Database Backup
c. The KCI Tax Bill PDF is a file for your records only. Do not print directly
from this PDF, as they will not fit correctly in the envelopes. Please
reprint bills directly from the Taxing system.
Note: Once the tax bill pdf has been opened, it is searchable. This is done by holding down the Ctrl key and pressing the “f” key, which will bring up search box. Using this method, you are able to search the pdf file for a parcel number, owner name, bill number, or anything else you can think of.