Requests for Propsals
Request for Bid: Deer Carcass Removal
The Huron County Board of Commissioners will be accepting sealed bids for the removal and disposal of deer carcasses from Huron County roadways.
Request for Proposal: Medical Examiner Services
The County of Huron is accepting proposals from individuals interested in serving in the position of Chief Medical Examiner and providing medical examiner services.
Request for Proposal: Inspection of a county-owned building
The County of Huron is seeking proposals to provide engineering or architectural services for the inspection of a county-owned building.
Request for Bid: Backup Generator Replacement Installation
The County of Huron is currently seeking proposals for replacement / installation of a backup generator system at our 911 Central Dispatch Building. As an essential component of our emergency preparedness plan, the backup generator will ensure uninterrupted power supply during outages, thereby safeguarding our operations and services.