52nd Judicial Circuit Court-Family Division
Office of the Friend of the Court
There are times when everyone needs help. Not sure where to start? Let us help guide you!
Contact Huron County Great Start - HURON COUNTY GREAT START (greatstarthuron.com)
call or text: 211
Huron Community Resources Guide [PDF link]
Huron County Friend of the Court:
Friend of the Court | huroncounty
e-mail: huronfoc@co.huron.mi.us
(989) 269-9545
Michigan Child Support Quick Reference Resource Guide [PDF link]
52nd Circuit Court Family Division Juvenile Office:
Family Court Juvenile Office | huroncounty
e-mail: juvenilefilings@co.huron.mi.us
(989) 269-9267
Michigan Courts:
Michigan Legal Help:
Lakeshore Legal Aid:
(888) 783-8190
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services:
Child Protective Services Central Intake: (855) 444-3911
Huron County DHHS: (989) 269-9201
Hope for a Home: Foster Care and Adoption Resources
Hope For A Home (michigan.gov)
county office contacts: www.michigan.gov/DHS-CountyOffices
(517) 241-3740
Michigan Alliance for Families:
(800) 552-4821
Huron County Intermediate School District:
(989) 269-6406
Huron County Great Start Collaborative:
(989) 269-3485
Family Resources Brochure [PDF link]
Home Visiting & Parent Support Programs Brochure [PDF link]
Community & Great Start Events/Resource Calendar
events - HURON COUNTY GREAT START (greatstarthuron.com)
Huron County Health Department:
(989) 269-9721
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)
Human Development Commission:
(989) 269-9502
Huron County Early Head Start
(989) 269-0011
Huron County Homeless Solutions:
(810) 648-2555
Huron County SafePlace:
(989) 269-5300 or (888) 849-SAFE
MSU Extension Office:
(989) 369-9949
Michigan Works:
(989) 269-2311 or (800) 285-9675 (WORKS)
Pure Michigan Talent Connect:
(888) 522-0103
Thumb Area Transit:
e-mail: tatdispatch@gmail.com
(989) 269-2121 or (800) 322-1125
CA/N Council (Huron County):
Huron County | CAN Council
e-mail: cancouncil@cancouncil.org
(989) 623-0257
Thumb Community Health Partnership:
email: thumbhealth@gmail.com
(810) 895-2918
Community Connections:
(989) 479-0346
Families Against Narcotics (FAN):
e-mail: huroncounty@familiesagainstnarcotics.org
Huron County Chapter: (989) 551-HFAN
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children:
1-800-THE-LOST or (800) 843-5678
Greater Huron County United Way:
(989) 975-0415
Michigan Self-Help Clearinghouse:
(800) 777-5556
Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund (MIHAF):
Customer Service Phone #: 844-75-MIHAF (844-756-4423)
MIHAF Program Email: MSHDA-HO-HAF-Program@michigan.gov
MSHDA - MIHAF (michigan.gov)
Nursing Home Abuse:
Food Assistance:
Bay Shore Food Bank (Sebewaing) (989) 883-2501
Trinity UMC Food Bank (Sebewaing) (989) 883-3350
Harbor Beach Emergency Pantry (989) 479-6053
New Life Center (Caseville) (989) 856-4009
Shared Blessings Food Pantry (Bad Axe) (989) 269-8519
Thumb Bread Basket (Pigeon) (989) 856-7652
Huron County Baby Pantry (989) 658-8625
FoodPantries.org website: www.foodpantries.org/st/michigan
Food Bank Council of Michigan www.fbcmich.org/resources/find-a-food-bank/
Feeding America www.feedingamerica.org
Forgotten Harvest www.forgottenharvest.org/find-food
Meals on Wheels America www.mealsonwheelsamerica.org/find-meals
Parenting Resources:
Online Parenting Programs www.MI.onlineparentingprograms.com
Between Two Homes/Children in the Middle www.betweentwohomes.com
Center for Divorce Education/Children In Between www.divorce-education.com
Two Families Now www.irised.com
Love and Logic Parenting classes www.loveandlogic.com
Make Parenting a Pleasure classes Parent Support Programs | CAN Council | CAN Council
Together We Can: Co-Parenting Together We Can Curriculum - MSU Extension
MSUE parent education workshops and self-study Parent Education - Early Childhood Development (msu.edu)
Positive Parenting Solutions (Amy McCready) www.positiveparentingsolutions.com
Social and Emotional Health [PDF link]
Parenting Communication Tools:
Appclose (cell phone app) www.appclose.com
Our Family Wizard www.OurFamilyWizard.com
Share Kids www.sharekids.com
Both Parents www.bothparents.com
OPTIMAL www.parentingtime.net
2 Happy Homes www.twohappyhomes.com
Co-parenting www.coparently.com
Parenting Together www.parentingtogether.net