Inmate Visitation Guide
Contact Jail: (989)269-6424
** Video Visits by ICSolutions **
Friends and Family members 18 years and older wishing to conduct a video visit will need to go to the following website to create an account and register for visitation: www.icsolutions.com
Video Visits are 30 minutes long.
Offsite Video Visits are $7.50
Inmates may receive 1 Onsite Video Visit per week and unlimited Offsite Video Visits.
Visits must be scheduled at least 12 hours in advance and up to 2 weeks out.
A total of 3 Visitors can be present on a Video Visit.
Minors under 10 years old do not count toward the totals.
Inmates and Visitors can be no more than 10 minutes late. After 10 minutes the visit is marked as missed.
The staff reserves the right to cancel a visit at any time for cause. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
Please understand that due to the large number of inmates that have to be cared for that we need rules and we need to follow these rules in most cases. There are of course exceptions for emergencies, etc., however, as a rule, these and other rules of the Huron County Jail will be followed to the letter. Any request for deviation from the rules should be done so through the Lt/Jail Administrator.
All inmates have “collect call only” telephones in their cells to call out with. Friends and famiy members can set up a Prepaid Account by calling ICSolutions at 1-888-506-8407 or you can go online to the ICSolutions website www.ICSolutions.com. If you have an Android device, you can also download the "ICSolutions" app from the Play Store to open or add funds to your ICSolutions account. Inmates may also purchase Calling Cards through commissary for $10/each.
Address for Mailing Inmate Money -or- Housing/Medical Payments
Send payments in the form of check or money order made out to the Huron County Jail. In the Memo line, put the inmate's name.
Huron County Jail
Attn: (Inmate Name)
120 S. Heisterman St.
Bad Axe MI, 48413
Revised 1/2019